Saturday, November 14, 2009


Well this is just a random post where i saw a little bit of "lifesreality", ahh well this post is about the new hyped song "Ik baba nanak si" by babbu mann", well i am no one to comment on what is wright and what is wrong. So, here i am just to put my perspective.

I personally don't see anything wrong in this song, actually every word of it is true n the hipe being created all around is nothing but "saving ego's" . . . Hear it yourself and see if u find anything wrong in it, just let it off your mind that the singer is infact "babbu mann", leaving behind anything that creeps into your mind because of his so called "image" in your eyes.

The retaliation coming from different circles: as i understand of it is that it's nothing more than a generic human behavioral retaliation that can be summed up as "hearing truth in itslelf is a tough thing and and it commands retaliation in most humans", but what if you see it coming from people who are so called "religious teachers" who are thought of to be showing "the way of life" to millions of there so called "followers", don't you think it puts a stamp on this song instead ?? ...

Audio link :

Video link:


  1. hmmm... I wonder whet will be dhadrian wala baba's reaction to this post !!! :)
